It’s Your Time to Shine. Discover Sacramento’s Social Group for Transgender Women

Next Event

River City Gems Drab Gab Lunch

Drab Gabs are a group that meets for lunch, support, friendship, and discussion and are on the 4th Friday of every month....
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Want to keep up with Gems news, see pictures of our events and join in the messages and chat between members? Then join our...
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Coming Soon

Picnic at Folsom Lake

Picnic at Folsom Lake

The River City Gems are putting on a Picnic at Folsom Lake, so come enjoy a day at the lake with us!

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Looking for friends, fun, and support?

You’re in the right place! The River City Gems are a nonprofit social and support group serving the crossdressing and transgender community of Northern California. We are based in Sacramento and have members from the Central Valley, the Bay Area, the Sierra Nevada, and neighboring states.

In Their Own Words

  • A Safe Haven


    The Gems has been the beginning for me as Rita. I have found friends and support from the girls. I was full of trepidation when I attended my first event! Now being en femme feels so natural, so right for me. I have found a safe haven with the Gems. I have the support and understanding of my spouse who has become a rock for the other GGs (genetic females) who attend Gems events. I hope if you read this you too will find a place for your beginning.

    -Rita fromSacramento
  • Freedom to be myself


    The all-inclusive River City Gems gave me the freedom to be myself and find my own way. I will always be grateful for that, and for the Gems' creative and cheerful celebrations that we all can share year in and year out, that help to keep us all connected in our different walks and ways of life. And I am grateful for both the simple companionship and deeper sense of real belonging that I have felt here. I am proud to be a part of it.

    -Tilda fromCameron Park

We’ll Save You a Seat.Join us at our next event

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